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This Mission unit is exciting because it cuts to the heart of the Father’s agenda for his creation, that is, his mission to reconcile all things to himself through the person and work of his son, Jesus Christ. It is the church’s joy to participate in this mission by following Jesus through the empowering of the Holy Spirit to be agents of reconciliation. Students will gain insight into this remarkable privilege through considering the history of the church on mission, the Trinitarian heart of mission, and modern missional issues for the church in the 21st century.

One may not be a full time minister or missionary in the ‘typical’ sense of the term, but each person has a mission field and is called to be a witness in their respective environs. It may be it their family, their workplace, or elsewhere. Whatever the case may be, it is for this reason that an understanding of the history of missions and the God who engages people through mission is vital for one’s understanding of their place in God’s story.

Skill Level: Beginner