Pastoral counselling does not occur in a vacuum. It occurs in a particular context – a church, a school, a para-church organization or in more specialized agencies. It also exists within particular community and cultural contexts. People’s challenges and struggles also occur within particular contexts.
This unit will help the student to develop the understanding and skills needed for pastoral counselling and care in his/her personal ministry in its particular community, cultural and practice context.
- Teacher: David Michie

- Teacher: Stephen Poisat

- Teacher: Stephen Poisat

An important part of studying theology on a higher education 500 level is to know how to complete work to the required academic standard. Provisional students must complete this foundational course in conjunction with their first semester of studies and all other students may choose it as an elective.
This Study Ready unit helps to prepare students to achieve the required academic standard by focusing on essential communication skills. Studying theology and thinking about how to use this knowledge in the church requires good reading, writing, note-taking and speaking skills.
This unit will be linked directly to the assessment outcomes from another unit during this semester of study. Each student therefore needs to choose one of the following subsets to link in with a subject they are enrolled for (i.e., one of HE501; NT501; or OT501).
Note that all Provisional Students must complete foundational course prior to, or in conjunction with, their first semester of study.

- Teacher: Andre van Rheede van Oudtshoorn

Christ calls the believer to follow Him, and to live a life of faith and obedience whilst we remain in the midst of a broken reality. We are called to participate in the Kingdom of God through the power of the Holy Spirit to become more Christlike as we seek to glorify our Heavenly Father. All who decide to follow Christ commence the journey of Christian discipleship, which challenges and transforms the entire manner in which we live.
The Scripture provides specific direction to train, exhort and to teach others to grow in deeper wisdom and maturity, bearing fruit in keeping with repentance, both individually and corporately. In a society seeking instant gratification there remains an urgent need to consider Christian Discipleship. As we engage and identify with sinful, fallen, broken humanity we need the deep wisdom and understanding gleaned through authentic discipleship. This course will establish a comprehensive trinitarian theology for Christian discipleship, explore historical precedence and engage in the transformational journey that will shape and equip us for Christian life and ministry.
- Teacher: Stephen Poisat

- Teacher: David Michie

Pastoral counselling equips us to engage meaningfully with people in the light of the message of the gospel. This unit will present and explore a number of models that are foundational to the understanding and practice of pastoral counselling. They will include psychological, anthropological, theological and counselling theories and models. This will enable students to develop pastoral counselling relationships that are informed, supportive, at times graciously challenging and always hopeful.
- Teacher: David Michie
- Teacher: Stephen Poisat