- Teacher: Andre van Rheede van Oudtshoorn
This unit deals with human sexuality, marriage and family life. Human sexuality sets us apart from the animals. It is exactly in the domain of sexuality that the dignity of humanity is the most clearly expressed. Our sexuality calls us beyond ourselves to a whole and intimate relationship with another human being. And it is to an 'other' who is both similar and different from ourselves that we are called.
The unit also deals with a wide variety of aspects that influences our relationships in marriage. For example, communication – how to disagree and negotiate with each other without undermining the relationship. We also look at children within the context of the family and how we are all intrinsically shaped by our families and family relationships.
Marriage and family issues present an ideal opportunity for us to show how the gospel can affect our lives for the good. Our marriages and family relationships can become showcases of the grace of God.It does not mean that we have to present ourselves as 'getting it right' in our marriages and families. But we can meet the world as people who have tasted something very good and thus cannot settle for anything less. The hope that we can offer people in the light of our understanding of God's vision for our marriages and families can change their lives forever.
- Teacher: Stephen Poisat
This unit introduces students to using a structured counselling approach that employs person-centred counselling micro skills.
- Teacher: Stephen Poisat
How do we apply the Bible today? What does this passage really mean? How should I approach the Bible? These are common questions for anyone who reads God’s Word. This unit not only helps to answer these questions but also a foundation for all biblical study. It equips students to analyse and interpret the Bible responsibly and creatively by bridging the gap between the world of the Bible and our modern world. In this unit we look at different approaches to Scripture, the background of scripture, how we as interpreters are involved in the process of constructing meaning, and how we can effectively apply the message of an ancient book to our world and lives today. This unit lies at the heart of all Biblical and systematic theological studies. As such it thus integrates with all New Testament, Old Testament and systematic theological subjects.
- Teacher: Andre van Rheede van Oudtshoorn
How do we apply the Bible today? What does this passage really mean? How should I approach the Bible? These are common questions for anyone who reads God’s Word. This unit not only helps to answer these questions but also a foundation for all biblical study. It equips students to analyse and interpret the Bible responsibly and creatively by bridging the gap between the world of the Bible and our modern world. In this unit we look at different approaches to Scripture, the background of scripture, how we as interpreters are involved in the process of constructing meaning, and how we can effectively apply the message of an ancient book to our world and lives today. This unit lies at the heart of all Biblical and systematic theological studies. As such it thus integrates with all New Testament, Old Testament and systematic theological subjects.
- Teacher: Andre van Rheede van Oudtshoorn